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This section provides resources available that are not connected to the Winchester Public Schools. Please note that the WinPAC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information presented on any third-party website listed on this site. In addition, the WinPAC does not endorse any of the informational content appearing on third-party websites or any of the providers listed on the WinPAC website. The WinPAC merely provides a list of organizations available to families. It is up to you to do your own diligence and research.


Please contact WinPAC with suggestions for additional resources.

After School Activities




Developmental Pediatricians


Education Advocates


Barbara Ball, EdM MS LICSW (Word Doc)


Rachel Wilson:


Sue Carras-Terzakis of Educational Advocacy Solutions in North Andover


Faith M. Morgan B.S. Ed., M.P.P


Elizabeth Bostic of the Parent Coach LLC in Reading


Catherine Smith Mayes


Jennie H. DunKley


Cynthia DeAngelis, M.Ed.


Martina Roy “Tina” Lynde


Executive Function Support


​Neuropsychology Assessments



  • Roseanne Cutroni in Arlington​​​


Occupational/Physical Therapy




Social Skills Groups


Special Education Attorneys​


Summer Camps


Transition Resources



  • Math: Becky Parkhill in Winchester​




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